Thursday, July 23, 2009

Anyone Can Preach.

Wait! Don't let the title scare you just give me a little time before you hit the escape button on you computer. Why is it that we think the only way we can preach is from a pulpit? As children of God we must understand everything we do and say is on display for the world to see, that being said this opportunity allows us to speak both verbally and non verbally.

I've been in the restaurant business most of my life and one thing I can tell you is that Sunday's were never most restaurant employees favorite day. Why! Because, the christian come on Sunday. They were both demeaning,demanding and never failed to leave little or no tip. Oops! I forgot, If that was not enough they would leave you a tract explaining how good there God was.

Little did they know that they were preaching and God would not be amazed. Most wanted nothing to do with the God these people serve. They had a wonderful opportunity to show who God was and they missed it. As Christin it's not how we act in Church that wins souls for the kingdom but, rather how we interact with the world outside of church.

How we dress also allows us to showcase how God is living and moving in our life. I went to school with a young lady who always carried herself like a lady in every aspect. I was moved by her simple elegance, in a time when so many young people are bankrupt morally her relationship with God propelled her to a status of virtuous. As a teenager there was an obvious presence of God in her life. As an adult I wonder if she even knows how much of an impact she had in my life. She found a way to preach right where she was, no pulpit but yet an audience.

God is calling us to move out of our comfort area and make an impact in the world we reside in. We are called to be atmosphere changers but to often we are the ones that are being transformed to the the world standards. We need to get back to our rightful place with God, by doing this the world becomes our stage to show and tell the awesomeness of the creator.

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